Campus Enterprises

Introducing the Official NCAT Parking App

Navigate campus parking effortlessly! We're excited to introduce NCAT Park app, powered by ParkZen, exclusively designed for our university. This app brings innovative solutions to enhance your parking experience on campus.

Read the news article >


Your Connection to Great Services

Campus Enterprises works diligently to support the University's mission by providing to students, faculty and staff innovative services through strategic business partnership that continuously improves value and enhances the overall experience of our students.

Key Services





Additional Resources

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OneCard Management

Need to keep an eye on your balances? GET app allows you or your student to track available meal swipes or funds from their Aggie, Dining and Flex Dollars as well as deposit money into an account.

Deposit and monitor funds >


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Planning Your Route

Need to get from A to B on campus? We have mobile apps to assist drivers and transit riders.

Find a parking space > 
Track the Aggie Shuttle >


AI Food Delivery

Starship Delivery Robots provide a safe, low-cost, and convenient way to satisfy your hunger without leaving your residence hall or campus hangout. These self-driving robots are powered entirely by electricity! Starship makes it easy to satisfy your cravings.

Order a meal or snack >


Contact Information

Campus Enterprises
N.C. A&T State University 
Williams Dining Hall, Suite 141
1601 E. Market St.
Greensboro, NC 27411
Main Phone: 336.334.7876

Meet the Team > 

Hours of Operation >

Administrative Office Hours
Weekdays 8 am to 5 pm, hours subject to change

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