Support the Future with a Gift to N.C. A&T!


Jordan Richardson


When you make a gift to North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, you are contributing to the future of a top-tier research university, the largest historically Black university in the U.S., the top producer of degrees awarded to African American students in the state of North Carolina and the many other contributions which we have become known for around the country.


Whether your gift is allocated to scholarships, research grants, academic programs or something more, it will leave a lasting legacy that benefits future generations of Aggies to come.

To learn more about ways you can give, use the navigation menu on the left-side of this page or visit our Ways to Give page. If you can't find the information you're looking for or you have additional questions, please contact our giving staff.

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check presentation to School of Nursing


public historically Black university in the nation (U.S. News & World Report)


public university in America for combining research and classroom teaching (Wall Street Journal)


billion annual economic impact on the state of North Carolina