Upcoming Events
January: MLK Celebration Week
- 13th: First day of class
- 20th: Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Service Day (No classes; University offices closed)
- 28th: Ronald E. McNair Memorial Day Celebration
- 28th: MLK Oratory Contest: @ 7pm; Harrison Auditorium (Free & Open to the Campus Community)
- 29th: MLK Intercollegiate Commemorative Program: @ 7pm; Student Center, Deese Ballroom, Room 205; (Free & Open to the Campus Community)
- 31st: February One Celebration
February: Black History Month (BHM):
- 10th: BHM Program - Lunch and Learn Documentary: The Green Book. See how The Negro Motorist Green Book helped African Americans navigate the roads of a segregated nation. @ 11:30am - 1pm; Student Center, Suite 367 (Free; bring your own lunch)
- 13th: Safe Zone Ally Development Training: For students, staff, and faculty; @ 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm; Student Center, Room 385 North-A; RSVP Required; (Free)
- 24th - 29th: NAACP Founders Week; Hosted by the Collegiate Chapter of NAACP
- 24th - 29th: Black History Week; Hosted by the History Scholars Club
- 27th: Gaymer's Night: @ 4pm - 6pm; Student Center, Room 222; (Collaboration between the OIE/LGBTA Resource Center & Esports Lab) (Free)
March: Women's History Month (WHM) & Prism Week:
- 10th - 14th: WHM: "Phenomenal Women's Historical Wall of Fame Exhibit: Open daily from 10am - 4:30pm; Student Center, Room 213; (Free)(Program collaborations with Prism)
- 17th: LGBTQ+ Poetry Workshop: @ 4pm - 6pm; Student Center, Room 342; (Free)
- 17th - 21st: Prism Week Celebration
- 18th: Phenomenal Women Panel Discussion: @ 5pm - 8pm; Student Center, Room 385 (Free)
- 26th: Safe Zone Training: @ 12:30pm - 2:30pm; Virtual training session; (Free & RSVP Required)
April: Caribbean Heritage Month & Arab-American Heritage Month:
- 5th: Intergenerational Pride Picnic: @ 12pm - 2pm; Collaboration with Prism and Carolina Aging Alliance; Holland Bowl; (Free)
- 15th: OIE Student Leadership & Lavender Graduation Cord Recognition Ceremony: @ 4 pm - 6 pm; Student Center, Room 342; (Free)
- 20th: Prism Ball: Enjoy food, entertainment, dancing, and more. In recognition of the LGBTQIA+ communities. Hosts: Greensboro Pride, Prism, and the OIE/LGBTA Resource Center; @ 7pm; Student Center, Deese Ballroom; (Free)
- 22nd: Safe Zone Ally Development Training: For students, staff, and faculty; @ 10am - 2pm; Student Center, Room 342; RSVP Required; (Free)
May: Asian & Asian Pacific American Heritage Month:
- 1st: Pride Friday: Thursday Edition: Student & Community Mixer; @ 4pm - 6pm; LGBTA Resource Center, Suite 353; (Free & Open to the Campus Community); Light Refreshments Provided
- 10th: NC Muslim Festival: @10am - 6pm; Center City Park, Downtown Greensboro; (Free)
For more University Events click on the link: University Events Calendar
Contact Us
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Office of Intercultural Engagement
Student Center, Suite 367
1403 John W. Mitchell Drive
Greensboro, NC 27411
Main Phone: 336-334-7800
Fax: 336-334-7186
Email: oie@ncat.edu
Hours of Operation
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Monday - Friday)